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Getting older way too fast..

The moment you realize you're actually getting older.. your priorites, thoughts and mindset starts changing up on you, telling you what you need to do, where you need to be.. gradually.., without even asking for your permission.. Like why??  I mean don't get me wrong I'm adjusting to it, the change and all, but make it stop.. I need more time, you know like backdated time, maybe like a yr or a couple more years.. cause.. I'm not ready..  not ready.. to grow up... YET...
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Missed Opportunity (Seek God first)

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Have you written down your goals?

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RIP to a poetic Angel Maya Angelou (I wrote this on the day she died but didn't post it)

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It's a New Year! What's the plan? choices, education and careers!

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I couldn't keep up with the plan :(

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My frustrating social media addiction (thoughts)

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