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Have you written down your goals?

In 2014, I had various goals I wanted to achieve, however, I didn't write them down. I did achieve a few short term goals, but not a lot of long term goals. This year I took it upon myself to spend 3 days writing all my goals and pinpointing everything I need to change in my life.

Now it's quite easy to sit down and think about all the things you need to change and write them down, but it takes time to put it all in practice. Many people make New years resolutions and achieve them a few days or weeks into the New year, and fall back to their old ways.

It is quite difficult to change what one is accustomed to, change in general is not an easy task, especially positive ones. But it is doable. I would give you guys a few tips on how to write a practical goals and ways to fulfilling them.

I am no expert, I am just a beginner like you. Matter of fact I got most of these tips from Micheal Hyatt (google him), but I incorporated  a bit of my own idea to work better for me and I encourage you to do the same.

When writing a goal, avoid being too general, it is okay to be general when listing out the things you need to achieve, but after that step make sure you take time with each and expand on them.  For example, you can say "I need to save more money" that's general. Being specific is stating how much you need to save per month or per week.

Give it a time frame, If you write goals you want to achieve I say you give it a specific date and time. This works! when I was in the uni. I had a huge calendar on my wall that had specific dates highlighted in bold and a huge writing at the bottom stating when I wanted to accomplish them. I would write these dates down and read it to myself everyday when I wake up and before I go to bed. My friends will mock me and say I was crazy because of how dramatic it looked. At the end of the day it worked!

So I urge you today to write down your goals make sure they are specific and give them a timeline. That way you will definitely aim to accomplish them.

Hope this read helped someone achieve something today, what are you waiting for? go and start writing down those goals

God bless,



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