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RIP to a poetic Angel Maya Angelou (I wrote this on the day she died but didn't post it)

I wrote this on the day she died but can't remember why I didn't post it...

Today we lost one of a kind, today we lost a pure and gentle soul
Today we lost a warm heart, a heart filled with love and care,
A teacher to many, A phenomenal woman and woman with sweet words of poetry, a legend in literary words, Today the world lost the legendary Maya Angelou.
A woman whose heart was drawn to God, A woman who loved and feared God, she was admired by many, her subtle smile and her big laughter would always be remembered, now we take a moment a moment to honor the legendary Maya Angelou for a successful journey on planet earth, for making it this far and for touching the lives of people while her body was still left in the world.
The impact she made, the lives she saved, the women she consoled and the legacy she created.

I would like to take a moment here to honor Maya Angelou may your beautiful soul rest in the sweet bossom of peace.



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