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It's a New Year! What's the plan? choices, education and careers!

Hello Everyone!

Happy New Year! wow it's 2015 already?

I was going to post this article on the first of January but a few things came up. So yes I'm a little late guys! but better late than never right?

2014 was an amazing year for me, I finally graduated Uni (woohoo!) Now, that was a major accomplishment and I am very proud of myself. I honestly thought I would stay back one more year, because a lot of unexpected events occurred. However, God came through for me and every obstacle I faced during that little time, turned out to become a life lesson and a major blessing.

Now fast-forward to life after graduation. The morning after June 5, 2014 I realized that life is not about just graduating university and receiving that paper we all know as a "degree". It is knowing exactly what you want to do after graduating. YES! If you don't know what you want to pursue after and if you haven't been investing some time out networking, volunteering and/or finding internship in your desired field, it will be quite difficult to break into the hungry and competitive world of gainful employment.

I spent so much time focusing back to back  on assignments and exams alongside getting a small part -time job to accommodate my miscellaneous needs/wants and forgot to soak in the reality that I will not be in school forever. Don't get me wrong, I thought about my career options a few times but I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do. Choosing the wrong major can also be a huge factor! Just a little advice to all my grade 12 students reading this, when deciding on which university you want to attend, please do extensive research. Make sure it's what you want and most importantly please don't go because your friend asked you to. In a nutshell, never! decide last minute to enroll in a school you knew nothing about and choose a course you did little research on. It will haunt you later in the future when you realize that you spent a fortune learning something you are not 100% passionate about.

These few things were some of the wrong choices I made and I learnt my lesson the hard way, I don't want to use the word "regret" because knowledge is power and throughout those 4 consecutive years I gained so much knowledge and life experience.  I wouldn't be the lady I am today if I didn't experience half of the things I did while in school. However, if I had another chance I would've made a much better decision. So please if you're reading this right now and trying to figure out which university you want to attend or course you plan to take make sure it is one you are very passionate about. Also ensure that you see yourself working in that field and loving every moment of it.

I feel like I'm rambling all over the place today, but I hope y'all feel me!  I just wanted to express my thoughts and advice a few people on career choices and making great decisions. Also remember to always put God first in all you do and He will guide you and direct your paths. I will expand more on career choices in my future posts.

Please do remember, I am no expert (yet) and I am still in the process of change. I'm also open to positive advice as well!  but rest assured I will keep you posted on my journey/progress.

Please share your thoughts and stories I will love to hear from you!

God bless,



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