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Potentials (part 1) "Who am I"

I was watching a video on Youtube featuring Dr. Myles Munroe, a motivational speaker, leader, author, and founder of The Bahamas Faith Ministries International. If you haven't yet listened to him or read any of his books, I strongly recommend that you do! I posted a link below if you are interested in downloading his book for free and also where you can listen to him speak on Youtube.

He was talking about "Pondering the pursuit of Purpose" and he mentioned five powerful questions that we human beings tend to continually ask ourselves, which is; who am I?  where am I from?  Why am I here? What can I do? and Where am I going?  I wrote these five questions down and thought carefully about them. 

Sometimes we feel as though we know who we are but the truth is, many of us are confused about our identities. For example, I'm currently taking a University course that I'm still unsure about why I took it in the first place. I never enjoyed my "law" class in grade 11, matter of fact I would sleep during class or sometimes skip the class. 

Now, I find myself going to my fourth year in Legal Studies and I still don't know how and why! guess I'm still pondering the pursuit of my purpose. When we are at the age of facing the real world, which is of course the early twenties, we tend to have an identity crisis, many of us feel as though we are not doing what we ought  to do and we begin to question ourselves, our skills and our potentials. Will this course become an advantage to me in the next five years? will I be successful? what if I make a mistake? what if I fail? and It's alright to think that way,  we all do, I do! this brings us to the "who am I" question. 

"Who am I" is a question of identity, how we view ourselves, how we know who we truly are or the meaning of our purpose in life, what determines our identity, matter of fact what is our identity? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, an identity is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. We all have something different about ourselves, we all come from different generic and ethical backgrounds, we all look and think differently, we all have different and unique talents and behaviors.

I'll share just a couple rules that I set for myself in order to discover my identity. Note: it might not work for everyone , I'm still on the journey of discovering my true self and I'm also open to new and effective ideas.

Isolate yourself to build yourself:

I tend to do this very often! sometimes its best to step away from the world and step into your own world. There are  many distractions in the world today, we have our smart phones, our social networks, our families to take care of, our work, our school and we often tend to get carried away by these factors and forget to spend time with ourselves. Creating time for yourself to do certain things that you love is very important, for example: If you have a great voice--create time to compose a song or practice on your vocals, if you love to write--create time to write a short story or open a blog! if you love to draw--create time to work on developing new sketches. This is an effective way of having a clear focus on your dreams and broadened mindset.

Set goals:

This one is the most time consuming and thought provoking rule you can ever imagine, however it is very effective and it works rapidly. When setting goals, don't type it on your laptop, iPad or desktop, write it down on a journal, and reflect on it daily. Goals are very important because it gives you clarity on what you would want to achieve in your life and why! sometimes setting goals helps you realise some things about yourself that you were never really concious about. 

Some of us are introverts, extroverts and some of us like me are in-between. Finding who we really are might be the toughest task ever, but once we do we are able to fully realize and understand our identity,  then we can fulfill our God given talents/potentials and  finally start living the life we were born to live. Today go out there and discover "who you are".


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