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Showing posts from May, 2014

I couldn't keep up with the plan :(

I am here to confess and not be an hypocrite! I couldn't keep up with the 58 days rule for disregarding social media, matter of fact I couldn't even keep up with the 2- 5 days rule, so I guess I am really attached to it. I need help! I really want to stay away from social media for some time, but it's quite hard Any ideas on what I could do to meet this goal? please comment below, Odatspoetry

My frustrating social media addiction (thoughts)

I'm sure we have all experienced the social media addiction, I am definitely guilty of it, I feel as though Facebook and Instagram has become a part of my daily routine. It's like brushing your teeth or taking a shower everyday. The first thing I do when I wake up even before praying or reading my Bible, I check how many people liked my pictures, commented or followed me on Instagram. It is a very shameful addiction and I'm sure many of us can attest to that. It even gets to a point where sometimes I feel as though I wasted my whole day on these silly apps and I look back saying damn I just wasted 24hrs. I am writing this note to myself to make a change, I know it is a personal/private decision, however, I decided to make it public because I do believe that there are many people suffering from the Instagram syndrome. it's embarrassing and sometimes it has a way of weighing down ones self-esteem, because it seems as though your life revolves around this app, an app t