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Showing posts from December, 2013

Prepare for Open heavens 2013

Open Heavens 2013 would be amazing! This year has obviously had its ups and downs, I faced many challenges with family, work, my academics, and relationship. However, God has granted me the strength to overcome and be the strong young lady that I've always been. Also, I am thankful for the gift of life! a lot of folks started this year and didn't make it this far, some are either terminally ill, laying helpless in the hospital bed, some are convicted and spending a lifetime in prison; some died in a car crash or just simply slept and did not wake up. Therefore, the fact that I am still alive and healthy, I definitely have a reason to shout and say THANK YOU LORD! I'm sure you are eager to know what this concert is all about, some of you are even puzzled by the name "open heavens" well continue reading and you would find out. Before I give you the 411 on this concert, I want to briefly explain the meaning of Open heavens. Open Heavens is "a pronounced inc