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Showing posts from June, 2013

Potentials (part 1) "Who am I"

I was watching a video on Youtube featuring Dr. Myles Munroe, a motivational speaker, leader, author, and founder of The Bahamas Faith Ministries International. If you haven't yet listened to him or read any of his books, I strongly recommend that you do! I posted a link below if you are interested in downloading his book for free and also where you can listen to him speak on Youtube. He was talking about "Pondering the pursuit of Purpose" and he mentioned five powerful questions that we human beings tend to continually ask ourselves, which is; who am I?  where am I from?  Why am I here? What can I do? and Where am I going?  I wrote these five questions down and thought carefully about them.  Sometimes we feel as though we know who we are but the truth is, many of us are confused about our identities. For example, I'm currently taking a University course that I'm still unsure about why I took it in the first place. I never enjoyed my "law" class i