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In respect to one of the most Legendary and recognized works of literature in Africa and globally, 'Things Fall Apart', Chinua Achebe (born 1930) is one of the foremost Nigerian novelists and literature icon. His works are usually directed towards the African audience, but the influence has over the years gained a distinct level of universal acceptance. Achebe in 1967   Things Fall Apart Book Cover Achebe composed his first novel, 'Things Fall Apart' While working for the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation in 1959. Achebe’s novel introduced serious social and psychological analysis into Nigerian literature; he has been an inspiration to literature and the art of writing.  Odatspoetry Icon Tagged No.1

Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story

Come & be Ushered into 2012

This is something I've done for 20 years I've always entered my New year in Church, It's fun, uplifting and inspiring. You get to feel a new beginning in your life, with the opportunity of a fresh start. If you come, you will not regret it...


"Honestly, I am not the Holiest; neither am I rebellious, I can say I'm in-between but is that really good enough? Sometimes I pray and sometimes I partay lol, I guess my prayers will compensate for my wasted Fridays… and later forgive me for the prospects of further days…... right? Well I'm guessing… Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person; I go to church on Sundays and try paying my tithes… Hum... It's 10% of your income right? Yea I think I only give like 5… Who cares! only I know what’s inside... but ay! I still gave something… That's sowing a seed… and don't think I'm smoking weed… C'mon that's too far I'm not into that stuff, It can really mess you up... (not that I know of.. I was actually told of...) Ok let’s get serious… I'm not being Hilarious...  You see, God is the reason for these spoken words, my life hasn't been something to write about... Sometimes I feel as though God doesn’t hear my prayers up there, mayb

Inspiration 4 (Must watch)

Inspiration 3

The Art of Poetry

T.A.P Leave a comment about what your Concept of " T he A rt of P oetry Is" .... Dont be Shy, just give it a TRY...

Inspiration 2

The Beauty Of Life...

A tiny little seed I was Still full of life With so much to give Vibrant As ever Nature is what I am Replaceable? Never!! Nobody knew my worth Couldn’t see what I had inside My outlook, so ordinary Personality, not in the dictionary Dirt was dug in my eyes Water splashed in my face Mud I ate Dogs came and polluted my hidden place How much more can I take? I cry to God every night Begging for His Merciful Light And hoping for a change In my little hole I began to rise With watery eyes As the I see the Sun Shine Looking down, I saw my shadow Confused but not shallow Woke up one morning with huge foot steps I was afraid, my face turned yellow Who are these creatures? I wondered as they came closer Big giants speaking some form of gibberish I didn’t move an inch, only the wind made me blink Closer they came and grabbed me by the neck "What the heck! I am innocent" I screamed But they couldn’t understand me when I spoke BOOM!! Stuck in a dark room I couldn’t breath I bega

Inspiration 1

A Boy without a father

A Boy without a father knows no soul A Boy without a father seems so alone tears running down from a heart in deep unstoppable? this might never be Murder, drugs and fraud dine all at once… having regrets for them? absolutely not! from a womb of blood this boy arose but in a world of blood this boy grows taking lives, and toasting with red wines Empathy and self pity…drip away from his coat and he forever promises "tears would drip away from my  'throne" now is the Light what manner of Light is this? questions questions questions "I think I am falling asleep" a long endless queue with straight faces like mercenaries diamond tarred roads paved with roses of golden glows "this must be Heaven or so… I really don't know" a huge screen, a reflection of me… A Boy without a father seems so alone tears running down from a heart in deep unstoppable? this might never be This is his Judgement "Move to the other side

Me + You #GodatWork

Sitting by the Lake... not with a bait... just a silly mate... we laugh and play... till the end of days... Oh wat a day... And all I can say is... Fate just took place... I can see Your Halo... Glowing like there's no tomorrow... Making out a Shadow... in the midst of our bliss.. All I could say was 'What is this'? or better still 'who is this'? Then I realised I was all alone... talking to no soul... it was just me getting close to YoU!! Thanks for Today God... You're more than a Million of my Clones and 2 X a million of HiS soul... Yours Truly, Helga

One Seed

On top of a high tower ready to jump, never felt so alive, feeling the rain drops... A gust of wind.. the smell of bliss and warmth of his kiss... In my head I reminisce... Not a single fear cause I got him and he’s got me... I know why? I feel it when my heart beats... With eyes closed, one leap of faith opens the gates... soaring into paradise hand in hand, with my soul mate.. Eyes opened, what a sweet dream plain white sheet, that's all I see... he's here with me, I know Indeed.. we're ready to take the world our hearts are in-sync. Yours Truly, Helga

Been very Busy!!! :(

So... I just got a new job, I know that's a good thing right?.. but imagine coming home everyday with sore feet.... yea that's a "No..No!!!!" I haven't been writing poems for sometime, due to my crazy shifts at work, and the little project I've been working on *can't say much* but y'all will get the hint soon... Hope you all like what I have so far.. I'm still young at this so stay with me and watch me grow.... your support is very much appreciated... Have a great day:-) Yours Truly, Helga

A woman's worth

A woman’s worth is more important than a million dollar porsche... Cannot be traded with words or just a simple touch... It is priceless! A woman should be treated like a queen... Rub her feet; Caress her body with a melody so sweet... Buy her a mansion filled with lilies and roses... Paint her picture in a golden frame... Demonstrate to the world how beautiful her pose is... Never let a tear drop! Catch it with a diamond spoon... Dry her eyes playing a wonderful tune... Guard her heart the way the king of kings guards his kids... The way a Lion guards his cubs... It is as precious as a royal glass; Never should it slip away or break any day... Carry her on top of the clouds with grace; Look into her eyes as the wind blows across her face... Hold her hands, even when the world is dark and full of spiteful snakes... Make her feel safe despite the frightful place... She is a rare gem, no duplicate, your number one, so delicate... Kiss her softly; make love to her tenderly, Hold her c

Single Failure, Multiple Treasures

she stumbled and fell, in the midst of her peers... They laughed and stared, as she struggled to raise her head ... They murmur and whisper Oh what a shameful picture She can’t rise up and face her fear Not even worthy enough to raise a cheer. She is a failure, can never be treasured She was as bright as gold, but never dared to be bold She is a hidden pearl, never broke out of her shell She is good for nothing... matter of fact she will never stand to be something. Tears rained down her eyes  She hated these lies Single lies without a worthy price She stood up with FIRE and yelled... LIAR. I am something, the Lord created me to be something I am a shining star, the Lord has brought me this far I have risen up; the Lord has filled my cup I fear nothing; the Lord has showered me with his blessing I am not a hidden pearl; I am his chosen girl. Her confidence created desire, desire to be like her Who is your Lord?  May we please come

My Father, My Abraham

“As Young as a Seed” You loved me indeed With just one hold I never felt cold My Father, My Abraham... You made me the man that I am If only the skies weren’t so far I’ll reach up and buy you a star My Father, My Abraham... From you I came With mother I was made Like you told me I was a hand full But now I’m strong enough to carry you My Father, My Abraham... Taking my first step With ever running tears You still held my hand Even till I said my first words My Father, My Abraham... Never will I break your heart Your love evolves without a fright I cry when you hold mother and make things right My Father, My Abraham... When I’m left in the world alone Still I hear your humble tone Makes me remember the warmth of home Never forgetting, you will always be my hero My Father, My Abraham... Thank you for all, I really must go There is a boy that I call my own Promise to raise him just as you’ve shown Cleaning up his wounds, and bringing joy to his soul My Father, My Abraham... Foreve


Hello everyone, my name's Helga, and I will be taking you through the journey of my work, mind, spirit, and heart. I recently found a passionate love for poetry and expressing myself, in a form whereby anyone can completely relate to. Every poem I have written, has been inspired from my personal life experiences and  also what I see happen in our world today... I thank you in advance for your support.. and always remember "an open mind may be hard to find, but its blind to the things that are unkind"... So free your mind as you listen to these beautiful words and you'll be forever Happy... Sit back..relax.. and enjoy!!! God Bless.